Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Youth of the Nations

Just had an amazing chat with my friend, Marcus, who shared about the challenges facing the youth of Latin America (lack of viable economic opportunities, gang/violence involvement). A few months ago, another friend related stories of a pastor in Juarez, Mexico learned that 12-14 year old inmates only expected to live, "maybe two [more] years." "..but if I die, at least my family will get the $100,000." This is not OK.
I don't think words can be put to what I feel inside when we talked about this...

The thought, "Who will care for the youth of Latin America?" came to mind.

I'd like to. Perhaps others like these, too...

This boy had been dropped off at a children's home seven days before this photo was taken. From a small town where there are no street addresses, he had literally no way of contacting his biological mother.

On a personal note, this is possibly the hardest I've had to labor to keep focused on the task of writing a paper. So many thoughts & feelings building up in this rather incredible season of dreaming and pursuing what may be next. I'm realizing that I can't get too far ahead of myself, in various aspects of life--school, relationships, occupation.

Maybe Jesus had a good point...Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow has enough worries of its own.

Any thoughts on managing the "mundane" when passion leads to pursuits different from the tasks at hand? This has been an interesting journey for me.

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